Selective Demolition
Our selective demolition services are always in high demand. We use Brokk and Husqvarna DXR remote demolition robots for safety and efficiency. Both machines are wireless remote controlled, and utilize a wide variety of tools, making them ideal for operating in any environment especially when no operator presence is required due to demanding environments. The Robots are designed to perform on all types of surfaces and in unique situations.
While our specialized machinery can perform tasks outdoors, however, the primary function is zero emission, interior, confined work areas. Due to the compact nature of these specialized machines they can fit through doorways and into elevators. Additionally, with the Electric Powered Machines, the machines can be operated with selective tools that produce low decibel noise levels. This operation is a savings to the Customer, as we can perform a complex scope of work during normal hours, saving money and time.
Powering this equipment can be accomplished by either on site power or portable generator. The overall size and dimensions of these machines can be misleading, as the engineering and design features are predominately greater than their outward appearance
We're committed to delivering excellent customer service with your projects done right, on time and on budget. You'll be impressed with our well trained and safety conscious staff and we'll make every effort to be a team member, building lasting relationships. Call us today to discuss your next project.
Applications include: Interior Demolition | Exterior Demolition | Interior Excavating | Exterior Excavating | Interior Compaction | Exterior Compaction | Material Handling | Material Loading | Debris Removal
We can provide expert selective demolition services for:
- Electric Excavation - Up to 10' deep
- Electric Compaction - Soil Tamping, Aggregate Tamping
- Electric Material Hauling - Georgia Buggies
- Electric Material Handling - Material Loader with Bucket
- Remote Electric Demolition - BROKK and Husqvarna with Grapples, Crushers, Hydraulic Hammer, etc.
Check Out Our Other Services!

Concrete Cutting
Put our decades of concrete cutting experience to work for you. Our team of professionals has extensive experience on a variety of cutting projects up to 26 inches deep. With state-of-the-art equipment and a large fleet of service trucks, we …

Concrete Coring
Put the skilled craftsmen on our concrete coring crews to work for you. Our state-of-the-art diamond core drill bits can drill a range of core sizes from 0.75 inches to 72 inches in diameter to the depth specified by our client. With a large …

Concrete Wall Sawing
Up-to-date techniques and technology allow us to tailor our services to meet specific needs. We operate an assortment of saws with the capability of penetrating steel-reinforced concrete, asphalt, pre-cast concrete, metal, and stone. Interior, …

Concrete Wire Sawing
Ideal for confined spaces, when normal sawing tools are just not tough enough, or even underwater. Concrete masses and reinforced concrete surfaces, or metal engine blocks are no competition when it comes to our wire saws. Wire sawing is a flexible …

Concrete Hand Sawing
Gas or hydraulic hand sawing is for small openings or on odd shapes materials. Works on brick, block and concrete up to 15" thick. Our hydraulic saws are mandatory when your project cannot tolerate the exhaust fumes of gas powered saws.

Concrete Chain Sawing
The diamond chain saw can also be used in conjunction with a wall saw to prevent over-cutting in corners, ensuring a neat 90 degree corner opening. Our openings in walls and structural slabs can be made with no over-cuts unlike most competitors …

Ground Penetrating Radar
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a geophysical method that uses radar pulses to image the subsurface. GPR is nondestructive to the environment, and can be used on a variety of surfaces and materials. GPR can detect objects, voids, and even …

Zero Emission Machinery
Our big assortment of zero emission machinery is perfectly suited for interior use where exhaust fumes and size limitations are an issue. We can perform a variety of important tasks such as excavation, compaction, hauling, material handling, …